Thursday 27 September 2012


Arsene Wenger has defended the club’s transfer policy saying that the Gunners are not afraid to spend money on players:
‘We want to spend our money in the right way. We are not scared to spend the money,’ said Wenger.
‘With some clubs we can’t compete on certain players – and for the rest, we only want to bring in players who add something to our squad and give a chance as well to the young players we have.
‘We have good players, because to buy one more, we have to get one out.’
‘Our numbers are good,’ added Wenger. ‘Under the actual circumstances this is quite positive because the whole (global) environment is not positive.
‘We are very lucky because we have a good support and the income of our gates is very high.
‘We have to maintain that by keeping our fans happy and to continue to manage well in the way that we do it.’
I think that Arsenal’s summer purchases show Wenger’s willingness to buy quality. I don’t think that is a question. What is, is that it is pretty apparent that Wenger has to balance the books on transfers, he needs to fund transfers with sales. And that I don’t understand as it is extremely hard to build a competitive team when you have to keep selling good players