Saturday 1 September 2012


Arsenal did make one signing yesterday 17 year old Macedonian Goalkeeper DEJAN ILIEV.
Dejan Iliev

Why Wenger why? Its deadline day and you’re signing some completely unknown teenager. Yes he may have loads of potential but then so does Wojiech Szczesny aged 22 and Damien Martinez aged 19. It’s not as if our goalkeepers are getting old and it’s a bit of an unnecessary transfer to make and especially on deadline day. The Arsenal fans expected you to be smiling at the cameras holding up a player’s shirt today, but with an experienced, well known player, not another teenager.
Oh well nothing we can do know, hopefully ILIEV has the same career path as Thomas Eisfeld who also joined on deadline day in January and he turned out to be another “the next big thing.” Welcome to Arsenal Dejan

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