Wednesday 22 August 2012

Wenger wants another midfielder and defender

Speaking to the Arsenal official site Arsene Wenger confirmed that the club are still very much in the hunt for new players and that he would like to bring in a midfielder and a defender as he believes that the club are short in that area.
He said
"We are looking to bring one more midfielder in of course, and maybe one defender as well because we still feel we are short in some positions." (Wenger said)

Arsenal have let Alex Song and Kyle Bartley go in the last week, both players who offer defensive options and with the club still looking to sell Sebastien Squillaci it would be likely that Arsenal are looking for a centreback. Ideally, if they could get one who is comfortable in a full back position or who can play as a defensive midfielder that would be even better.
It is unlike Arsene to be so open about what type of players he is looking to bring, often just saying ‘we have enough here’ so the fact that he has been so open about this would point towards something happening in the market. Then again, this is Arsene, and as someone on Twitter said the other day ‘In Arsene we trust’ should come with a footnote *except when talking about transfers*

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